
UAE Boxing Federation, GAS discuss preparations to host ASBC’s youth and junior championships

DUBAI, Anas Al Otaiba, President of the Asian and Emirati Boxing Federations, and Hassan Al Hammadi, Secretary-General of the UAE Boxing Federation, discussed, with officials from the General Authority of Sports (GAS), the federation’s plans to host the ASBC Asian Youth and Junior Boxing Championships.

The meeting took place during the visit of Al Otaiba and Al Hammadi to the GAS, where they were received by Saeed Abdulghaffar, GAS Secretary-General, and Khalid Al Midfa, Assistant Secretary-General.

The championships, to be held in Dubai from 17th to 31st August, 2021, will feature over 400 fighters.

During the meeting, Al Otaiba thanked the GAS, the National Olympic Committee, the Dubai Sports Council, and all partners that contributed to the success of the Asian men’s and women’s championships.

He also commended the role of the UAE’s sports leaders in enabling the UAE to lead Asia and the rest of the world in recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, by encouraging sports federations to host major events.

The UAE successfully enhanced its global position during the pandemic, due to its professionalism, advanced precautionary measures and recovery plans, he added, noting that it was the first to host and organise major events across different sectors, supported by its sophisticated technological infrastructure.

Al Hammadi stressed that the GAS and the UAE Boxing Federation are partners in their success, whether in terms of organisation, technology or administration, highlighting the authority’s support for Al Otaiba during the Asian Boxing Federation elections.

He added that the UAE Boxing Federation will cooperate with the GAS and relevant local authorities during the coming period to obtain the necessary permits to host and organise this major event, which will serve as a valuable addition to the UAE's remarkable track record.

Source: Emirates News Agency

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